Welcome to Domino Intranet Starter Pack 2.0 Fax Services. This document provides information about the following:
* Installation considerations
* Known problems and limitations of Fax Services at the time it was shipped
Refer to the Lotus Web site at www.lotus.com for the most up-to-date information about Fax Services. From there, you also can download the Domino Print to Fax driver and the Lotus Image Viewer.
After you install Fax Services, you can access the online System Administrator's Guide (DFSDOC.NSF) on your machine's Notes\Data directory.
Installation Considerations
1. Correct version of the Lotus Domino Server
The Lotus Domino Server version number listed in the system requirements contained in the Fax Services Getting Started Guide is incorrect. Fax Services requires Lotus Domino Server 4.61 or higher.
2. Quit the HTTP server task
Quit the HTTP server task before reinstalling Fax Services. Install will not be able to replace WEBFAX.NSF if it is being used by the HTTP task.
3. Customized forms overwritten during installation
Because customized forms (including customized cover pages) are overwritten during installation, Lotus recommends that you make backup copies of all Fax Services databases before installing or upgrading Fax Services. After installation is complete, copy all customized forms back into the newly-created databases.
4. FaxManager error when installing Fax Services
At times, Install may report a general error while transferring FAXMNGR.EXE to your machine. If this happens, quit Install and restart it. This error should not occur on restart.
5. Sign the DFS Administration and Webfax databases
You must sign the DFS Administration and Webfax databases using the ID of the Domino server on which these databases reside. If these databases are not signed, you cannot access the Fax Services Web pages through a browser.
For information about signing databases, see your Notes documentation.
6. Edit the ACL for DFSDOC.NSF before reinstalling or upgrading
Before you reinstall or upgrade DFS, you must edit the Access Control List (ACL) for your existing DFSDOC.NSF database to allow the Default user to delete files.
Unless you make this change before reinstalling or upgrading, you may receive a message telling you that Install cannot delete this database. If this happens, quit Install, edit the ACL for DFSDOC.NSF as explained above, and restart Install.
7. Start the Fax Services Mail server before installing
Make sure that the server on which the DFS Mail database resides is running before starting the Fax Services installation. If the Mail server is not running when installing Fax Services, you will receive a message indicating that Install cannot access the Mail database. If this happens, quit Install, start the Mail server, then restart Install.
8. Running the Fax Services executables
The Fax Services executables are not supported to run as a Windows NT Service.
Known problems and limitations
1. Web Browsers
The Fax Services has been successfully tested with Netscape Navigator 3.0 and 4.0 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0.
2. Using the DFS Mail database for fax requests
The DFS Mail database should be used only to receive outgoing fax requests from users; it should not be used to store incoming faxes. Lotus recommends that you create a Mail-In database for incoming faxes.
3. Fax Delivery in PCX format will cause unreadable characters
If you select PCX as your fax delivery format in the "Image File Format" box in the DFS Default User Profile document, you will see unreadable characters on each of the two extra lines generated before the Fax Icon as the last generated attached item on the document. These unreadable characters are not generated if you use the default image file format Multi-page TIFF.
4. Cross certification error message
The Fax Services databases and design elements are signed as follows:
Organization: \Lotus Communications
When you access databases or design elements that Fax Services uses, the following warning could appear:
Your <Notes-database-title> does not contain a
cross-certificate for the organization named below.
You therefore can't be sure that the documents signed
by its members are authentic or that you are
communicating with its servers unless you can verify
that the key below is correct.
To avoid this warning, you should either sign the Fax Services databases using the ID of the Domino server on which the databases reside or cross certify the databases. For information about signing and cross certifying databases, see your Notes documentation.
5. Faxing Notes documents
When faxing Notes documents with tables, radio buttons, check boxes, or pictures, it is recommended that you use the Domino Print to Fax driver to insure the most accurate rendering of these objects.
6. Faxing a document that uses a nonstandard form
Fax Services cannot send Notes documents that use the "Store form in document" property. Make sure that the recipient of the fax has access to the nonstandard form you use for your fax, and send the fax without the form stored in the document.
7. Faxing cover pages with a US Robotics 56K modem
Very long cover pages may have text clipped from the bottom when received by a US Robotics 56K modem. If you are using this modem, reduce the amount of information on your cover page to avoid this problem.
8. Calculation of processing time on Fax Sent-Confirmation form
On the Fax Sent-Confirmation form, Fax Services calculates the Processing Time as the difference between the time the fax is received by the Domino Fax Server (the value displayed in the "Received by Fax Server at" field) and the time at which the Domino Fax Server begins transmitting the fax (the value displayed in the "Transmission completed at" field).
9. Viewing multiple-page image files
Multiple-page image files should be viewed with the Lotus Image Viewer (LIV), which can be downloaded from the Lotus Web Page at www.lotus.com. Other viewers are not supported for these files.